Home » National Sports Day 2024

National Sports Day 2024

On 29th August 2024, CPSI celebrated National Sports Day with a sporting spirit and lots of energy. On this special day not only did we celebrate modern sports like football but also honored ancient Indian heritage sport of Malkham.

A trained team of Malkham lead by their talented coach was invited to the school to grace us by their presence. To say that they put on a captivating performance would be an absolute understatement, learners and teachers alike were MESMERIZED by the effortless demonstration of the Malkham sport. To add to this captivation, Mr. Gaurav a seasoned freestyle footballer impressed with his football moves which seem to flow like magic.

Further on, teachers participated in a fun Walk-a-Thon, every step denoting their enthusiasm for this day and the learners happily cheered for all their educators!

Lastly there was short football match for students to wrap up the celebrations on a sporty note.

From the principal’s desk – A special anecdote from today: When today’s guests were taken to the canteen for some light snacks , the Malkham kids before touching the plate of samosas and sandwich seeked permission from their coach to eat the goodies. Their coach said “If you want to you can eat, though I’m not particularly delighted about it”. Upon hearing this the whole team of kids at once gave up on the idea of having the junk food, took out their home-made tiffins and ate heartily. The lesson from this that we should take away is just how important it is to have self-control, discipline, hard-working attitude and obedience instilled in ourselves and especially in our children.